Tuesday, February 25, 2014

No longer stuck!

It is now the end of February.  This is the time when New Years Resolutions are either firmly set and are a concrete foundation or have become mud.  Mud?  Yes, mud.  Mud causes you to slip, slide and get completely stuck!  Remember as a child jumping in your new rubber boots in the mud and having your feet firmly planted. As you wiggled back and forth to loosen the grip it only bonded you more to the point you could feel your body teetering.  You put your hands out to give you more balance oh, just about lost it there...splat.  Covered head to toe in cold, wet, dirty brown residue you stood up, if could on your own and thought now how do I get out of this.  One word...MOOOOMMMMM! (well maybe it was DAAAADDDD!) 

Sometimes when we get stuck we need help.  A strong loving hand to reach down and pull us up by the boot straps, wipe us off, and send us out into the world again.

New Years Resolutions are just like that.  Every year I make a list of goals that I write down in a Journal.  I feel good about doing this.  Whoo hoo, I think to myself good for you for writing that down!  Do I look at it again?  Yes, I do.  A year later as I repeat the process.  Pretty hard to get any results this way!

This year has been different.  I wrote down my goals, and then did something about it!  Fitness and losing weight are always at the top of the list.  I set up a plan and started following it.  I was doing alright but then the end of  January was coming along and I was needing further motivation.  Enter Coach Vicky Trill and the 40 day challenge!  Every week Vicky lists a challenge to follow for the next 7 days.  It is simple and straight forward, however, life happens.  Temptations come along.

It is so easy just to think no one will know if...  The thing is I know!  I have come to realize that if I want to see results I need to develop good habits and have supportive friends.  Vegetables, fruits and nuts are my best buddies.  I have eliminated my old friends sugar, white flour products, and deep fried snacks for these new friends that are beneficial and make me look great! 

I have great people friends too!  Some friends enjoy hiking and geocaching.  Others enjoy going to the gym.   We laugh, sweat and encourage one another.  Fitness is now fun!  We share recipes, tips, dreams, parenting skills and goals as we stretch, hike, run or lift weights.  I am very thankful for great friends.

A number of years ago in a different life I was in great shape.  I biked 24km, ran 2 miles daily, alone.  I did everything alone.  I was fit but not happy. 

Now, I am getting fit again, and I am thrilled!  I have a great support team at home, at work and at the gym.  Coach Trill has been amazing!  I have slimmed down and have gotten much stronger.  My goal is to continue and to participate in my first triathlon this fall.  I hope to do all 3 parts, however, I have a lot of work to do.  My swimming skills are needing some work.  Currently, I swim like I need to be rescued and resuscitated! 

My goals are now obtainable simply because I did not just write it down but I did something about it.  I know that when I wake up in the morning I chose how the day will be.  I prepare by making a plan for the day, for fitness, nutrition, family, friends and my career.  When I do this each day my long term goals are not so overwhelming.  Day by day I get closer to reaching them. 

So, it is the end of February and I have reached some of my goals already.  I am excited about reaching the rest of them this year.  Fitness again is a daily part of my life.  I am no longer stuck in the mud thanks to great friends and a wonderful Coach!